Badan Latihan dan Hidup Berdikari Malaysia (ILTC) pada 23hb Mac 2016 menyerahkan memorandum kepada ahli-ahli parlimen mendesak supaya golongan orang kurang upaya (OKU) dikecualikan daripada cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST).

Disabled Members Protest

Disabled Members Protest
Disabled Members Protest at JPJ Wangsa Maju

ILTC Malaysia members staged a protest outside JPJ Wangsamaju KL.

ILTC Malaysia members staged a protest outside JPJ Wangsamaju KL.
Disabled group’s protest disabled drivers required to produce doc's medical report.

Saturday 16 August 2008

Have at least basic accessibility for the disabled

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Have at least basic accessibility for the disabledWith good education, full accessibility to facilities such as buildings and public transport; proper training and understanding employers, persons with disabilities can be an asset to the nation and should be integrated into, and participate in social, economic, political and cultural life in Malaysia.

Y.B. Tuan Anthony Thanasayan City Councillor for MBPJ invited the President of ILTC to a meeting with a field visit at MBPJ to identify the facilities towards disbled people, senior citizen and needys such as disabled friendly parkings, ramps, disabled friendly toilets and etc....

ILTC take this opportunity to thank PJ Councillors and PJ planning and development director Sharipah Marhaini Syed Ali for providing such as a good facilities towards a caring society for the disabled, senior citizen and others.ILTC hope that the other Municipal Council's will take this a good example to build disabled-friendly features in their town planning.

1 comment:

stanley said...

planning to make PJ a disable city is a very good move as the Disable act provides. Not only PJ but every nook & corner of the country to be disable friendly. Words are not enough, action is needed i hope all disable councilor start with their council first.If there is a will there is a way.