Wheel-chair accesibilty in Parliment is still lacking
The Star Online
Tuesday December 11, 2007
Towards equal treatment for the disabled
A NATIONAL Council for Persons with Disabilities will be set up.
Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil tabled the Persons with Disabilities Bill for first reading at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday in the presence of several disabled people.
The bill seeks to provide for the registration, protection, rehabilitation, development and well being of persons with disabilities and the creation of the National Council tasked to promote their quality of life.
I am happy that this (tabling of the Bill) has become a reality,” said Shahrizat at Parliament Lobby yesterday.
The council will co-ordinate national policy and plan with relevant ministries to promote recognition of skills, abilities and employment opportunities for the disabled as well as assisting them to find jobs on an equal basis with normal persons.
Lawyer and Persatuan Orang Cacat Anggota member Tuah Atan welcomed the Bill.
It is a positive move by the Government and an official recognition that we are part of the community and deserve equal treatment.
It is now up to us to motivate ourselves to change our mindset,” he said at the Parliament lobby.
Atan was among the 50-odd disabled who turned up in Parliament for the tabling of the Bill .
Atan said it was up to the disabled community to remain united and speak in one voice.
If not, people will not listen and we will be wasting our time, he added.
Independent Living and Training Centre president Francis Siva and Persatuan Warga Istimewa and Rehabilitasi Anggota K9 founder Chong Tuck Meng also welcomed the tabling of the Bill.
However, both agreed that taking care of persons with disabilities should start in Parliament itself.
Wheel-chair accessibility in Parliament is still lacking and we had difficulties getting in. We hope this will improve once the Bill is implemented, said Siva.