KUCHING: More disabled people will be gainfully employed with the setting up of an information communication technology (ICT) training centre for them, said Sarawak Social Development and Urbanisation Minister Datuk Seri William Mawan.
Highlighting the low employment rate among disabled people in the private sector, he called on employers to recruit those who acquire skills at the centre.
Speaking at the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Yayasan Salam Malaysia and the Sarawak Blind Association and the launch of the ACCESS@SSBlind ICT Centre here, he said the state welcomed assistance from non-governmental organisations in training disabled people and organising social activities.
Yayasan Salam Malaysia is undertaking 10 initiatives worth RM300,000 in Sabah and Sarawak this year, including ICT centres at Samariang Batu and Kampung Bogag in Bau near here.