Badan Latihan dan Hidup Berdikari Malaysia (ILTC) pada 23hb Mac 2016 menyerahkan memorandum kepada ahli-ahli parlimen mendesak supaya golongan orang kurang upaya (OKU) dikecualikan daripada cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST).
Disabled Members Protest

Disabled Members Protest at JPJ Wangsa Maju
ILTC Malaysia members staged a protest outside JPJ Wangsamaju KL.
Disabled group’s protest disabled drivers required to produce doc's medical report.
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Karpal incident not a disabled issue? - Malaysiakini
Karpal incident not a disabled issue? - Malaysiakini
What do you think about the disabled senator's comments in Malaysiakini?
Do you think that what happened to MP Karpal Singh has nothing to do with him being disabled?
In other words, can our MPs have a free reign to insult disabilities of any MPs without sanctions?
Do you think that MADD was wrong to take up the issue of discrimination in Parliament?
Do you think that the disabled senator is fit to hold his position in representing the needs of all disabled Malaysians?
Tell us! Please share you thoughts with us in the COMMENTS section at the bottom of this page.Also, be sure to give us your views on our special poll on the right sidebar at the top of this page.
Disabled senator: I'm doing my best
Visually impaired senator Dr Ismail Md Salleh today defended himself saying that he is doing his best in representing persons with disabilities.

However, he said certain quarters may have "different views" about this.
Ismail was responding to the Malaysians Against the Discrimination of the Disabled (MADD) who asked why the senator had kept silent on the discriminatory remarks made against wheelchair-bound DAP stalwart Karpal Singh in the Dewan Rakyat.
MADD also staged a protest in Parliament yesterday demanding an apology from Barisan Nasional MP Bung Mokhtar Radin and Independent MP Ibrahim Ali.
While Bung had challenged Karpal 'to stand up' during a heated exchange in the House, Ibrahim had criticised the DAP veteran for not seeking permission to address the House while seated.
Responding, Ismail said: "I don’t think they should make an issue about this. Karpal just happens to be disabled and it has nothing to do with the disabled."
Karpal became partially paralysed following a car accident two years ago.
'Toothless tiger'
Ismail also rebutted criticism that "nothing is happening" in relation to the Persons with Disabilities Act with regards to the rights of the disabled since the former was appointed senator.
The criticism came from Independent Living and Training Centre president G Francis Siva, who was present at yesterday’s protest.
"There are a lot of standard operation procedures to be taken," explained Ismail, adding that the Act is still in the process to be gazetted.
"We are waiting for the Ministry to get it done," he said.
The groups should wait until the 26th or 27th of this month when the Parliamentary session is over to get a decision, he added.
Ismail, who is also an adviser for Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on disability issues, stressed that critics should not "question my capabilities."
However, MADD’s legal adviser N Surendran dismissed the Act, which was passed last December, as a "toothless tiger."
"It is a cosmetic attempt by the government to pretend that they are actually doing something for the disabled," he told a press conference in Parliament yesterday.
MADD also submitted a memorandum to Oppositon Leader and PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail for the Act to be amended to include penalties against those who breach its provisions.
Friday, 9 May 2008
Disabled support: Yen Yen right on track
Letters From MalaysiaKini
Disabled support: Yen Yen right on track
Anthony Siva Balan Thanasayan
We refer to issues affecting the disabled reported in the media recently.
We are most delighted to learn that Women, Family and Community Development Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen is setting up a special task force to get handicapped Malaysians employed in the private sector.
The minister is spot on in her new mission; especially in ensuring that people with disabilities will also be key players in the special body. All over the world the disability movement is asking for exactly this: that disabled people be included in any matters that involve them. However, it doesn’t only end there.
The minister must be very careful with whom she chooses. The special representatives must come from a wide and varied background in order for her task force to be effective. For example, a person with a spinal injury, for instance, will not be able to fully understand the needs of someone with Parkinson’s disease or some other neurological condition although they may both use wheelchairs for mobility.
The disabled NGOs invited to participate must possess a good track record in fulfilling their objectives and not ‘sleeping ones’ that have hardly made any difference in the lives of their members that they are supposed to serve. And it is vital that their work must involve the disabled poor in rural areas.
One good organisation to work with is the Independent Living and Training Centre in Rawang Selangor. This non-profit society is run by disabled people themselves, headed by a tetraplegic.
The writer is president, Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (PetPositive).
OKU desak dua Ahli Parlimen mohon maaf
Friday, 09 May 2008
OKU desak dua Ahli Parlimen mohon maaf
AHLI kumpulan yang dikenali Rakyat Malaysia yang Menentang Diskriminasi Terhadap Orang Kurang Upaya (MADD) menggesa Ahli Parlimen Pasir Mas, Datuk Ibrahim Ali supaya menarik balik apa yang mereka sifatkan sebagai 'kata-kata yang menghina' terhadap Karpal Singh (DAP - Bukit Jelutong) apabila beliau meminta Pengerusi DAP yang berkerusi roda itu berdiri ketika bercakap dalam Dewan Rakyat. Ibrahim meminta maaf kepada kumpulan berkenaan, tetapi bertegas enggan meminta maaf kepada Karpal. Pertengkaran tercetus di lobi Parlimen, semalam apabila sekumpulan orang kurang upaya bersemuka dan mendesak Ibrahim
OKU desak dua Ahli Parlimen mohon maaf
DRAMA meletus di lobi Parlimen semalam apabila sekumpulan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) berkumpul meminta dua Ahli Parlimen, Datuk Ibrahim Ali (Bebas-Pasir Mas) dan Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan), memohon maaf kerana menganggap kata-kata mereka dalam Dewan Rakyat sebagai menghina dan memperkecilkan golongan itu.
Suasana lobi Parlimen yang sememangnya agak sibuk sejak sesi Dewan Rakyat mula bersidang minggu lalu, menjadi bertambah kecoh tengah hari semalam apabila lebih 50 wakil golongan itu yang menamakan kumpulan mereka, Pertubuhan Rakyat Malaysia Menentang Diskriminasi OKU (MADD), meninggikan suara meminta Ibrahim dan Bung Mokhtar supaya tampil bersemuka dengan mereka.
Kemarahan kumpulan itu berpunca daripada tindakan Ibrahim pada Selasa minggu lalu yang meminta Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor), yang berkerusi roda kerana lumpuh akibat kemalangan pada 2005, untuk berdiri ketika berucap atau mencelah untuk bercakap di Dewan Rakyat.
Keadaan yang sama juga ditujukan kepada Bung Mokhtar yang dikatakan mengeluarkan perkataan yang agak kesat seperti mengejek dengan mengatakan Karpal sebagai `big monkey' (monyet besar), serta mencabar Karpal dengan berkata, "kalau berani bangunlah".
MADD menerusi jurucakapnya, Anthony Thanasayan, yang mendakwa hadir ke Parlimen atas kemahuan sendiri, terus mendesak Ibrahim dan Bung Mukhtar memohon maaf dan mereka bersedia menerimanya jika ia dilakukan secara ikhlas dan jujur, tanpa sebarang syarat.
Walaupun menafikan kehadiran mereka tidak dikaitkan dengan mana-mana parti politik, kehadiran beberapa Ahli Parlimen daripada Pakatan Rakyat (PR) termasuk Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail, Loh Gwo Burne (PKR-Kelana Jaya), Lim Lip Eng (DAP-Segambut) dan Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) yang berdiri di belakang kumpulan itu, memberi gambaran sebaliknya.
Kekecohan itu menarik perhatian wakil rakyat lain dan ada yang menganggap ia tidak sepatutnya berlaku kerana boleh menimbulkan anggapan tidak manis apabila lobi Parlimen dijadikan gelanggang untuk membawa kumpulan tertentu bagi kepentingan agenda sesetengah pihak. Kumpulan OKU itu turut membawa sepanduk yang antaranya tertulis 'Berilah Hormat Kepada OKU' dan 'What Happen To Disabled Act?'.
M Saravanan (BN-Tapah) berkata, sepatutnya wakil rakyat pembangkang menjelaskan kepada OKU berkenaan bahawa kata-kata Ibrahim bukan bermaksud menghina mereka, tetapi membangkitkan Peraturan Mesyuarat. Ketegangan memuncak apabila Ibrahim dan Bung Moktar keluar dari Dewan Rakyat yang belum habis waktu bersidang sesi pagi, untuk bertemu Thanasayan dan wakil MADD lain.
Ibrahim yang pada mulanya cuba menjawab secara tenang menjelaskan, kata-kata beliau bukan ditujukan kepada golongan OKU secara amnya, tetapi khusus kepada Karpal dan ia berdasarkan Peraturan Mesyuarat yang memerlukan seseorang Ahli Dewan Rakyat berdiri ketika berucap.
Bagaimanapun, tidak tahan dengan jeritan dan laungan wakil MADD serta beberapa ahli Parlimen pembangkang, Ibrahim mula meninggikan suara dan menjelaskan tidak akan meminta maaf kepada kumpulan itu kerana kata-kata itu tidak ditujukan kepada mereka, malah beliau juga menegaskan tidak akan meminta maaf kepada Karpal berhubung kejadian itu.
"Saya tidak mahu memohon maaf sebab kata-kata yang dilemparkan kepada Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor kelmarin tidak bermaksud menghina OKU. Ini bukan politik. "
Buat apa saya hendak berbuat demikian sedangkan ia tidak ada kena mengena langsung dengan apa yang mereka mahukan,"
katanya sambil disahut teriakan beberapa OKU yang mengelilinginya. Sejurus kemudian, Ibrahim meninggalkan perkumpulan itu.
Bung Mokhtar yang tiba kemudian, mengeluarkan kata-kata memujuk dengan menyatakan beliau juga mempunyai ahli keluarga dan ramai pengundi di kawasannya yang dikategorikan OKU.
Justeru katanya, tidak terlintas di fikiran beliau untuk menghina golongan itu malah menyayangi dan menganggap mereka sebagai golongan istimewa.
"Saya mohon maaf jika ada melakukan kesalahan hingga menyinggung perasaan OKU dan saya akan pastikan ada pembelaan sekiranya berlaku penganiayaan terhadap anda,'' katanya.
Beliau bagaimanapun mempertahankan kenyataannya terhadap Karpal dan menganggap ia bukan satu kesalahan apabila Gobind yang berdiri bersama MADD, melemparkan pertanyaan sama ada perbuatannya terhadap bapanya (Karpal) itu adalah salah.
Sesudah Bung Mokhtar memohon maaf itu, keadaan menjadi tenang dan MADD kemudian menyerahkan memorandum bantahan yang mewakili permintaan semua kumpulan dan pertubuhan OKU kepada semua ahli Parlimen. Wan Azizah menerima memorandum itu bagi pihak semua Ahli Parlimen.
Parlimen kecoh OKU desak YB mohon maaf
Friday, May 09, 2008
Parlimen kecoh OKU desak YB mohon maaf
KUALA LUMPUR 8 Mei - Lobi Parlimen yang biasanya sibuk tetapi terkawal menjadi kecoh apabila kira-kira 30 orang kurang upaya (OKU) dari Pertubuhan Rakyat Malaysia Menentang Diskriminasi OKU (MADD) mendesak dua ahli Parlimen memohon maaf atas kenyataan mereka di dalam Dewan Rakyat yang didakwa menghina golongan tersebut.
Lengkap dengan sepanduk, mereka berhimpun di lobi sambil menjerit dan melaungkan rasa tersinggung dengan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Datuk Ibrahim Ali (Bebas-Pasir Mas) dan Datuk Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) terhadap Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor).
Karpal yang kerap membangkitkan Peraturan Mesyuarat termasuk isu tidak mengangkat tangan kanan semasa upacara angkat sumpah telah ditempelak oleh Ibrahim yang menurutnya juga tidak mengikut peraturan kerana tidak berdiri ketika bercakap di dalam Dewan.
Pengerusi DAP itu kini terpaksa berkerusi roda selepas tidak boleh berjalan sejak mengalami kemalangan jalan raya pada awal 2005.
Jurucakap MADD, Anthony Thanasayan berkata, golongan OKU terluka dengan kata-kata tersebut kerana Karpal juga seorang OKU.
''Kami bersedia menerima permohonan maaf Ibrahim serta Bung Moktar jika dilakukan secara ikhlas dan jujur, tanpa sebarang syarat," katanya kepada pemberita.
Walaupun menafikan kehadiran mereka ditaja oleh parti politik, sidang akhbar itu dihadiri oleh beberapa ahli Parlimen pembangkang termasuk Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Loh Gwo Burne (PKR-Kelana Jaya) dan Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) yang juga anak Karpal.
M. Saravanan (BN-Tapah) bagaimanapun sedikit kesal kerana kumpulan OKU terbabit tidak diberi penjelasan oleh wakil rakyat pembangkang mengenai insiden sebenar yang berlaku di dalam Dewan Rakyat yang diyakininya bukan bermaksud menghina mereka.
Keadaan menjadi tegang apabila Ibrahim dan Bung Moktar keluar dari Dewan Rakyat untuk bertemu dengan Anthony dan wakil OKU yang lain.
Ibrahim menjelaskan kata-kata beliau bukan ditujukan kepada golongan OKU secara am tetapi khusus kepada Karpal yang ketika itu kerap membangkitkan Peraturan Mesyuarat sehingga mengganggu sesi soal jawab.
Beliau menegaskan tidak akan meminta maaf kepada kumpulan OKU tersebut kerana kata-kata itu tidak ditujukan kepada mereka, malah beliau juga enggan meminta maaf kepada Karpal berhubung kejadian itu.
''Saya tidak mahu memohon maaf sebab kata-kata yang dilemparkan kepada Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor kelmarin tidak bermaksud menghina golongon OKU. Ini bukan politik.
''Buat apa saya hendak berbuat demikian sedangkan ia tidak ada kena mengena langsung dengan apa yang mereka mahukan," katanya sambil disahut teriakan beberapa OKU yang mengelilinginya.
Bagaimanapun, Bung Mokhtar yang menyatakan mempunyai ahli keluarga dan pengundi di kawasannya dikategorikan OKU dengan nada memujuk berkata, beliau tidak terlintas untuk menghina golongan itu malah menyayangi dan menganggap mereka sebagai golongan istimewa.
''Saya mohon maaf jika ada melakukan kesalahan hingga menyinggung perasaan OKU dan saya akan pastikan ada pembelaan sekiranya berlaku penganiayaan terhadap anda," katanya.
Beliau bagaimanapun mempertahankan kenyataannya terhadap Karpal dan menganggap ia bukan satu kesalahan ketika ditanya oleh Gobind sama ada beliau mengakui perbuatannya itu salah.
Friday May 9, 2008
Ibrahim’s refusal to apologise to Karpal causes commotion

Shouting match: Ibrahim arging with the disabled yesterday. On his left is Gobind Singh.
A COMMOTION broke out in the Parliament lobby during a meeting between Datuk Ibrahim Ali (Independent – Pasir Mas) and a group of disabled people who demanded that he apologise to Karpal Singh.
The group, known as Malaysians Against the Discrimination of the Disabled (MADD), urged Ibrahim to retract his recent statement in Parliament requesting that Karpal Singh (DAP – Bukit Gelugor) stand up while speaking in the Dewan Rakyat.
Ibrahim had apologised to the group initially for hurting their feelings over the remarks he made in the Dewan.
However, when he refused to apologise to Karpal Singh, who is wheelchair-bound, several from the group became agitated and this led to a shouting match.
“My problem was with Karpal Singh and never with all of you. I have never offended you and I love disabled people from the bottom of my heart.
“But if you all have misinterpreted my meaning, I extend my sincerest apologies.
“I hope you don’t misunderstand this because there are groups trying to take advantage of you,” he said, referring to several Pakatan Rakyat leaders – Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail,
Lim Lip Eng, Loh Gwo Burne, Gobind Singh Deo and others – who had escorted the group into Parliament.
Ibrahim even said that he would propose that the Government allocate a RM500 monthly allowance to the disabled, which was greeted by cheers.
However, a huge spat ensued when Lim Lip Eng (DAP – Segambut) questioned Ibrahim if he would offer an apology to Karpal Singh.
To this, Ibrahim shouted “No! No! No!”.
“I will not apologise to Karpal. You cannot force me. I will not apologise for the benefit of the opposition party,” he retorted, and stormed off from the meeting.
In response, the group shouted back at him: “What if you are disabled one day?”
A representative from MADD later handed over a memorandum to Opposition Leader Dr Wan Azizah.
NST Online » Local News

THE fiery Ibrahim Ali met his match at Parliament lobby yesterday when a group of disabled confronted him over an "insensitive" statement about DAP chairman Karpal Singh.

Datuk Bung Mokhtar, BN MP for Kinabatangan, greeting a MADD member yesterday.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Task force to get more disabled into civil service

Tuesday, 6 May 2008
ILTC honestly feel that, it is difficult for a disabled person to go to some shopping complexes as there are no toilets for them or, even if there were, are locked most of the time.
“We are humans, too, who need to eat, sleep, use the toilet and visit places, and imagine such a basic facility is not available.
Another example is the KLIA Express, which has only room for one disabled person. “Many times, mywife and me have to decide who should take the train first to the airport as both of us cannot travel together due to the limited space availability.
Last year, Former Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil called for a “barrier-free” environment to cater to the needs of the disabled, with Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen adding that the Government would come up with a long-term plan to provide disabled-friendly public transportation.
Discrimination In Parliament House
This Article is written by Mr. Anthony Thanasayan
President of PetPositive
Discrimination In Parliament House
LEADERS OF THREE DISABILITY ORGANISATIONS got together over the weekend to discuss the recent incident where at least one parliamentarian had made a remark about disability which has angered many handicapped Malaysians.
The able-bodied parliamentarian was reported to have said to another seated in a wheelchair that he ought to have asked permission to stand up at the session before he could comment on an issue.
This was not the first time that such a discriminatory remark about the disabled was uttered in Parliament House. The same disabled parliamentarian was told by another elected representative sometime last year that he was in a wheelchair because God had put him there.
That first statement eventually drew an outcry from some influential members of the House. The parliamentarian was made to apologise for his remarks.
The latest remarks, however, has not drawn any apology to date.
"We are really concerned when such negative remarks are made by our Parliamentarians," said Kennedy Hong, President of the Society of Chinese Disabled Persons of Malaysia (SCDPM) where the meeting was held.
"What does such behaviour say to our young people today?" He asked. Hong uses a wheelchair for mobility.
"We should be inculcating values that encourage everyone to respect the elderly and the disabled," echoed Alan Tan, the SCDPM's Deputy President.
Secretary of the Independent Living and Training Centre (ILTC) in Rawang, Selangor, Gurdip Kaur said: "I feel extremely sad that the disabled are forever amongst the most vulnerable in our society when in fact what we need are strong laws to protect our dignity and rights as handicapped Malaysians.
"Francis Siva - ILTC President - also voiced his dissatisfaction. He questioned the efficacy of the Disabled Act which was passed in Parliament recently.
"Can we use that law now to protect our rights?" he asked.
The two hour meeting was also attended by Anthony Thanasayan and his assistance dog, Soo.
Expressing his views, the President of the Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (PETPOSITIVE) observed: "It's a pity that the that the "disabled" are rarely mentioned in Parliament.
"And when it happens, it is for a negative purpose.
"Leaders of the three non profit organisations are currently brainstorming ways on how they can best sensitize our elected representatives about the real issues confronting handicapped persons in our society.
Kindly watch this space for more developments on this story.
Click HERE to read more.
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen said the first step was to make all government offices disabled-friendly.
Bane of disabled women
KUALA LUMPUR: Women with disabilities face overwhelming double discrimination: one which is gender-based and another for their disability.
Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen said compared to their male counterparts, disabled women suffered more as they struggled to overcome obstacles.
"These women have low self-esteem and confidence. "Remember, you're no lesser.
You're just different," said the minister at the closing ceremony of the Asian Women in Paralympic Sport Leadership Summit yesterday.The three-day summit, the first to be held in Asia, is a workshop to provide leadership training and increase women's participation at all levels of decision-making.
"A forum like this is important to ensure the involvement of disabled women and also to bring to attention the issues and difficulties that they're facing."
Dr Ng said her ministry was working hard to overcome all forms of discrimination faced by disabled women.