The disabled learn of their rights
Farhana Syed Nokman
It was organised by its zone 19 councillors in collaboration with Malaysian Bar Council.
Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee chairperson Syahredzan Johan said the objective of the programme was to bring the constitution to the people.
"Our initiative is to bring the information to the public so they will be aware about their rights as citizens and be brave enough to speak up," said Syahredzan.
The Rakyat Guides booklets, which consist of nine chapters elaborating on the federal constitution, were also distributed to participants of the programme.
According to Syahredzan, the content of the booklets had been rewritten and simplified to help the layman understand his rights.
The public, he said, can also buy the booklets at the Bar Council for RM6.
All proceeds from the sale of the booklets will be channelled back to the programme.
The one-day programme was officiated by senator S. Ramakrishnan.
MBPJ councillor Jeyaseelan Anthony said this was the first programme organised for the disabled.
"We received good response from the participants and they were happy to learn more about the constitution," said Jeyaseelan.
More of such programmes will be held upon request, he said.
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