Thursday June 17, 2010
Joyous news
LAST Saturday, MBPJ launched its “Facilities for the Urban Poor Programme”

targeted at the poor, disabled, and elderly.
The event was held at a popular market next to the Jumhuriyah mosque in Taman Dato Harun. The VIP for the day, Taman Medan assemblyman Haniza Mohd Talha, arrived long before the people did.
About 150 people turned up. Talking to some of them later, I found out how excited they were about the special project. The disabled and the elderly were thrilled to learn about MBPJ’s wheelchair-friendly vans. They had no idea that the vehicles existed or that the handicapped could request for them free-of-charge.
“Thank God I don’t need to put up with cabbies who always complain when I have to take my invalid mother to the hospital,” said a female resident. “Cabbies not only make a fuss about wheelchairs but they also refuse to help me put it in the booth,” she explained, adding that with the special van and its hydraulic lift, her mother could easily be lifted into the vehicle without any problem.
I was reminded of the time I visited a 70-year-old man in a low-cost flat some weeks ago. A heart operation had left him semi-paralysed. He lay in bed all day while his elderly wife sold titbits outside their flat to make ends meet. He had trouble going to the toilet which was not designed for the handicapped. He had no wheelchair even though he had approached various charities for help.
I met another elderly woman with a similar predicament. A diabetic, she was unable to walk because of the wounds on her heels.
Fortunately for me, my fellow councillor Tang Fuie Koh offered to donate wheelchairs to the senior citizens.The wheelchairs were rushed to them. The reception we got when we arrived at their homes was heart-warming.
The elderly gentleman dropped what he was doing and got into the wheelchair. He was so excited and smiled non-stop.
The elderly lady was so happy that she burst into tears of joy. I heard later that she got out of her tiny apartment every now and then to enjoy some sun and fresh air.
Even though we received the sad news of her passing recently, we will never forget how a wheelchair made her last days so joyous. We realised how a simple act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life.
One of MBPJ’s projects is to fix the bathrooms of disabled and elderly persons, for free, if they are not wheelchair-friendly.
The day ended with the MBPJ team headed by Puan Sharipah Marhaini, head of planning, making a quick visit to the mosque next door.
We were pleased to find proper ramps in the building. However, there were no disabled-friendly toilets. We decided to install one each for the ladies and the gentlemen so that they can fulfil their religious obligations in greater comfort. We also identified a suitable parking spot for the handicapped. This will be constructed with an overhead shelter to protect users from the harsh elements.
Indeed, there were plenty of reasons that day for everyone to beam from ear to ear. From the looks of it, they will keep on smiling as the local council continues to push forward in its new vision for Petaling Jaya.